
community feedback

We have engaged in a walking tour, a community session, and are capturing virtual/individual walking tours through our online system. How to access information:

Walking Tour - May 4

The walking tour was held 10AM on May 4th. Groups of community members walked through the various stations surrounding the Chappaqua Train Station and provided feedback. They discussed the assets of each location, the challenges, and ideas. Review our recap of feedback here:

Community envisioning session - May 6

During this session community members reviewed current and ongoing feedback and envisioned the 23 acres of land together in small groups.

Farmer’s Market - May 11, 18

Stationed at the entrance to the Farmer’s Market, members provided feedback regarding uses and planning concepts for the 23 acres.

Merchant Meeting - May 15

During this session, retailers/merchants engaged in the envisioning process and provided feedback regarding the 23 acres.

Community envisioning session - May 15

During this session community members reviewed current and ongoing feedback and envisioned the 23 acres of land together in small groups.